
Numbers File Formats

Numbers uses a proprietary, compressed binary format to store its tables. This format is comprised of a zip file containing images, as well as Snappy-compressed Protobuf .iwa files containing metadata, text, and all other definitions used in the spreadsheet.

Protobuf updates

As numbers-parser includes private Protobuf definitions extracted from a copy of Numbers, new versions of Numbers will inevitably create .numbers files that cannot be read by numbers-parser. As new versions of Numbers are released, running make bootstrap will perform all the steps necessary to recreate the protobuf files used numbers-parser to read Numbers spreadsheets.

The default protobuf package installation may not include the C++ optimized version which is required by the bootstrapping scripts to extract protobufs. You will receive the following error during build if this is the case:

This script requires the Protobuf installation to use the C++ implementation. Please reinstall Protobuf with C++ support.

To include the C++ support, download a released version of Google protobuf from github. Build instructions are described in `src/ <>`__.These have changed greatly over time, but as of April 2023, this was useful:

bazel build :protoc :protobuf
cmake --build . --parallel 8
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../bazel-bin/src/google
cd python
python3 -q bdist_wheel --cpp_implementation --warnings_as_errors --compile_static_extension

This can then be used make bootstrap in the numbers-parser source tree. The signing workflow assumes that you have an Apple Developer Account and that you have created provisioning profile that includes iCloud. Using a self-signed certificate does not seem to work, at least on Apple Silicon (a working PR contradicting this is greatly appreciated).

make bootstrap requires PyObjC to generate font maps, but this dependency is excluded from default Poetry installs to ensure that tests can run on non-Mac OSes. You can run poetry install --with bootstrap to get the required packages.


numbers-parser was built by Jon Connell but relies heavily on from prior work by Peter Sobot to read the IWA format archives used by Apple’s iWork family of applications, and to regenerate the mapping files required for Python. Both modules are derived from previous work by Sean Patrick O’Brien.

Decoding the data structures inside Numbers files was helped greatly by Stingray-Reader by Steven Lott.

Formula tests were adapted from JavaScript tests used in fast-formula-parser.

Decimal128 conversion to and from byte storage was adapted from work done by the SheetsJS project. SheetJS also helped greatly with some of the steps required to successfully save a Numbers spreadsheet.