Source code for numbers_parser.cell

import logging
import math
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field, fields
from datetime import datetime as builtin_datetime
from datetime import timedelta as builtin_timedelta
from enum import IntEnum
from fractions import Fraction
from hashlib import sha1
from os.path import basename
from struct import pack, unpack
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

import sigfig
from pendulum import DateTime, Duration, datetime, duration
from pendulum import instance as pendulum_instance

from numbers_parser import __name__ as numbers_parser_name

# from numbers_parser.cell_storage import CellStorage, CellType
from numbers_parser.constants import (
from numbers_parser.currencies import CURRENCIES, CURRENCY_SYMBOLS
from numbers_parser.exceptions import UnsupportedError, UnsupportedWarning
from numbers_parser.generated import TSPMessages_pb2 as TSPMessages
from numbers_parser.generated import TSTArchives_pb2 as TSTArchives
from numbers_parser.generated.TSWPArchives_pb2 import (
    ParagraphStylePropertiesArchive as ParagraphStyle,
from numbers_parser.numbers_cache import Cacheable, cache
from numbers_parser.numbers_uuid import NumbersUUID

logger = logging.getLogger(numbers_parser_name)
debug = logger.debug

__all__ = [

[docs] class BackgroundImage: """A named document style that can be applied to cells. .. code-block:: python fh = open("cats.png", mode="rb") image_data = cats_bg = doc.add_style( name="Cats", bg_image=BackgroundImage(image_data, "cats.png") ) table.write(0, 0, "❤️ cats", style=cats_bg) Currently only standard image files and not 'advanced' image fills are supported. Tiling and scaling is not reported back and cannot be changed when saving new cells. Parameters ---------- data: bytes Raw image data for a cell background image. filename: str Path to the image file. """ def __init__(self, data: Optional[bytes] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self._data = data self._filename = basename(filename) @property def data(self) -> bytes: """bytes: The background image as bytes for a cell, or None if no image.""" return self._data @property def filename(self) -> str: """str: The image filename for a cell, or None if no image.""" return self._filename
class HorizontalJustification(IntEnum): LEFT = ParagraphStyle.TextAlignmentType.TATvalue0 RIGHT = ParagraphStyle.TextAlignmentType.TATvalue1 CENTER = ParagraphStyle.TextAlignmentType.TATvalue2 JUSTIFIED = ParagraphStyle.TextAlignmentType.TATvalue3 AUTO = ParagraphStyle.TextAlignmentType.TATvalue4 class VerticalJustification(IntEnum): TOP = ParagraphStyle.DeprecatedParagraphBorderType.PBTvalue0 MIDDLE = ParagraphStyle.DeprecatedParagraphBorderType.PBTvalue1 BOTTOM = ParagraphStyle.DeprecatedParagraphBorderType.PBTvalue2 HORIZONTAL_MAP = { "left": HorizontalJustification.LEFT, "right": HorizontalJustification.RIGHT, "center": HorizontalJustification.CENTER, "justified": HorizontalJustification.JUSTIFIED, "auto": HorizontalJustification.AUTO, } VERTICAL_MAP = { "top": VerticalJustification.TOP, "middle": VerticalJustification.MIDDLE, "bottom": VerticalJustification.BOTTOM, } _Alignment = namedtuple("Alignment", ["horizontal", "vertical"]) class Alignment(_Alignment): def __new__(cls, horizontal=DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT[0], vertical=DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT[1]): if isinstance(horizontal, str): horizontal = horizontal.lower() if horizontal not in HORIZONTAL_MAP: msg = "invalid horizontal alignment" raise TypeError(msg) horizontal = HORIZONTAL_MAP[horizontal] if isinstance(vertical, str): vertical = vertical.lower() if vertical not in VERTICAL_MAP: msg = "invalid vertical alignment" raise TypeError(msg) vertical = VERTICAL_MAP[vertical] return super(_Alignment, cls).__new__(cls, (horizontal, vertical)) DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_CLASS = Alignment(*DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT) RGB = namedtuple("RGB", ["r", "g", "b"])
[docs] @dataclass class Style: """A named document style that can be applied to cells. Parameters ---------- alignment: Alignment, optional, default: Alignment("auto", "top") Horizontal and vertical alignment of the cell bg_color: RGB | List[RGB], optional, default: RGB(0, 0, 0) Background color or list of colors for gradients bold: bool, optional, default: False ``True`` if the cell font is bold font_color: RGB, optional, default: RGB(0, 0, 0)) – Font color font_size: float, optional, default: DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE Font size in points font_name: str, optional, default: DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE Font name italic: bool, optional, default: False ``True`` if the cell font is italic name: str, optional Style name underline: bool, optional, default: False) – True if the cell font is underline strikethrough: bool, optional, default: False) – True if the cell font is strikethrough first_indent: float, optional, default: 0.0) – First line indent in points left_indent: float, optional, default: 0.0 Left indent in points right_indent: float, optional, default: 0.0 Right indent in points text_inset: float, optional, default: DEFAULT_TEXT_INSET Text inset in points text_wrap: str, optional, default: True ``True`` if text wrapping is enabled Raises ------ TypeError: If arguments do not match the specified type or for objects have invalid arguments IndexError: If an image filename already exists in document """ alignment: Alignment = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_CLASS # : horizontal and vertical alignment bg_image: object = None # : backgroung image bg_color: Union[RGB, List[RGB]] = None font_color: RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0) font_size: float = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE font_name: str = DEFAULT_FONT bold: bool = False italic: bool = False strikethrough: bool = False underline: bool = False first_indent: float = 0 left_indent: float = 0 right_indent: float = 0 text_inset: float = DEFAULT_TEXT_INSET text_wrap: bool = DEFAULT_TEXT_WRAP name: str = None _text_style_obj_id: int = None _cell_style_obj_id: int = None _update_cell_style: bool = False _update_text_style: bool = False @staticmethod def _text_attrs(): return [ "alignment", "bold", "first_indent", "font_color", "font_name", "font_size", "italic", "left_indent", "name", "right_indent", "strikethrough", "text_inset", "underline", ] @staticmethod def _cell_attrs(): return [ "alignment", "bg_color", "bg_image", "first_indent", "left_indent", "right_indent", "text_inset", "text_wrap", ] @classmethod def from_storage(cls, cell: object, model: object): bg_image = BackgroundImage(*cell._image_data) if cell._image_data is not None else None return Style( alignment=model.cell_alignment(cell), bg_image=bg_image, bg_color=model.cell_bg_color(cell), font_color=model.cell_font_color(cell), font_size=model.cell_font_size(cell), font_name=model.cell_font_name(cell), bold=model.cell_is_bold(cell), italic=model.cell_is_italic(cell), strikethrough=model.cell_is_strikethrough(cell), underline=model.cell_is_underline(cell), name=model.cell_style_name(cell), first_indent=model.cell_first_indent(cell), left_indent=model.cell_left_indent(cell), right_indent=model.cell_right_indent(cell), text_inset=model.cell_text_inset(cell), text_wrap=model.cell_text_wrap(cell), _text_style_obj_id=model.text_style_object_id(cell), _cell_style_obj_id=model.cell_style_object_id(cell), ) def __post_init__(self): self.bg_color = rgb_color(self.bg_color) self.font_color = rgb_color(self.font_color) if not isinstance(self.font_size, float): msg = "size must be a float number of points" raise TypeError(msg) if not isinstance(self.font_name, str): msg = "font name must be a string" raise TypeError(msg) for attr in ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"]: if not isinstance(getattr(self, attr), bool): msg = f"{attr} argument must be boolean" raise TypeError(msg) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """Detect changes to cell styles and flag the style for possible updates when saving the document. """ if name in ["bg_color", "font_color"]: value = rgb_color(value) if name == "alignment": value = alignment(value) if name in Style._text_attrs(): self.__dict__["_update_text_style"] = True if name in Style._cell_attrs(): self.__dict__["_update_cell_style"] = True if name not in ["_update_text_style", "_update_cell_style"]: self.__dict__[name] = value
def rgb_color(color) -> RGB: """Raise a TypeError if a color is not a valid RGB value.""" if color is None: return None if isinstance(color, RGB): return color if isinstance(color, tuple): if not (len(color) == 3 and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in color)): msg = "RGB color must be an RGB or a tuple of 3 integers" raise TypeError(msg) return RGB(*color) elif isinstance(color, list): return [rgb_color(c) for c in color] msg = "RGB color must be an RGB or a tuple of 3 integers" raise TypeError(msg) def alignment(value) -> Alignment: """Raise a TypeError if a alignment is not a valid.""" if value is None: return Alignment() if isinstance(value, Alignment): return value if isinstance(value, tuple): if not (len(value) == 2 and all(isinstance(x, (int, str)) for x in value)): msg = "Alignment must be an Alignment or a tuple of 2 integers/strings" raise TypeError(msg) return Alignment(*value) msg = "Alignment must be an Alignment or a tuple of 2 integers/strings" raise TypeError(msg) BORDER_STYLE_MAP = {"solid": 0, "dashes": 1, "dots": 2, "none": 3} class BorderType(IntEnum): SOLID = BORDER_STYLE_MAP["solid"] DASHES = BORDER_STYLE_MAP["dashes"] DOTS = BORDER_STYLE_MAP["dots"] NONE = BORDER_STYLE_MAP["none"]
[docs] class Border: """Create a cell border to use with the :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Table` method :py:meth:`~numbers_parser.Table.set_cell_border`. .. code-block:: python border_style = Border(8.0, RGB(29, 177, 0), "solid") table.set_cell_border("B6", "left", border_style, 3) table.set_cell_border(6, 1, "right", border_style) Parameters ---------- width: float, optional, default: 0.35 Number of rows in the first table of a new document. color: RGB, optional, default: RGB(0, 0, 0) The line color for the border if present style: BorderType, optional, default: ``None`` The type of border to create or ``None`` if there is no border defined. Valid border types are: * ``"solid"``: a solid line * ``"dashes"``: a dashed line * ``"dots"``: a dotted line Raises ------ TypeError: If the width is not a float, or the border type is invalid. """ def __init__( self, width: float = DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, color: RGB = None, style: BorderType = None, _order: int = 0, ) -> None: if not isinstance(width, float): msg = "width must be a float number of points" raise TypeError(msg) self.width = width if color is None: color = RGB(*DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR) self.color = rgb_color(color) if style is None: style = BorderType(BORDER_STYLE_MAP[DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE]) if isinstance(style, str): style = style.lower() if style not in BORDER_STYLE_MAP: msg = "invalid border style" raise TypeError(msg) = BORDER_STYLE_MAP[style] else: = style self._order = _order def __str__(self) -> str: style_name = BorderType( return f"Border(width={self.width}, color={self.color}, style={style_name})" def __eq__(self, value: object) -> bool: return all( [self.width == value.width, self.color == value.color, ==], )
class CellBorder: def __init__( self, top_merged: bool = False, right_merged: bool = False, bottom_merged: bool = False, left_merged: bool = False, ) -> None: self._top = None self._right = None self._bottom = None self._left = None self._top_merged = top_merged self._right_merged = right_merged self._bottom_merged = bottom_merged self._left_merged = left_merged @property def top(self): if self._top_merged: return None elif self._top is None: return None return self._top @top.setter def top(self, value): if self._top is None: self._top = value elif value._order > self._top = value @property def right(self): if self._right_merged: return None elif self._right is None: return None return self._right @right.setter def right(self, value): if self._right is None: self._right = value elif value._order > self._right._order: self._right = value @property def bottom(self): if self._bottom_merged: return None elif self._bottom is None: return None return self._bottom @bottom.setter def bottom(self, value): if self._bottom is None: self._bottom = value elif value._order > self._bottom._order: self._bottom = value @property def left(self): if self._left_merged: return None elif self._left is None: return None return self._left @left.setter def left(self, value): if self._left is None: self._left = value elif value._order > self._left._order: self._left = value class MergeReference: """Cell reference for cells eliminated by a merge.""" def __init__(self, row_start: int, col_start: int, row_end: int, col_end: int) -> None: self.rect = (row_start, col_start, row_end, col_end) class MergeAnchor: """Cell reference for the merged cell.""" def __init__(self, size: Tuple) -> None: self.size = size @dataclass class CellStorageFlags: _string_id: int = None _rich_id: int = None _cell_style_id: int = None _text_style_id: int = None # _cond_style_id: int = None # _cond_rule_style_id: int = None _formula_id: int = None _control_id: int = None _formula_error_id: int = None _suggest_id: int = None _num_format_id: int = None _currency_format_id: int = None _date_format_id: int = None _duration_format_id: int = None _text_format_id: int = None _bool_format_id: int = None # _comment_id: int = None # _import_warning_id: int = None def __str__(self) -> str: fields = [ f"{k[1:]}={v}" for k, v in asdict(self).items() if k.endswith("_id") and v is not None ] return ", ".join([x for x in fields if x if not None]) def flags(self): return [ for x in fields(self)]
[docs] class Cell(CellStorageFlags, Cacheable): """.. NOTE:: Do not instantiate directly. Cells are created by :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Document`. """ # fmt: skip def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, value) -> None: self._value = value self.row = row self.col = col self._is_bulleted = False self._storage = None self._style = None self._d128 = None self._double = None self._seconds = None super().__init__() def __str__(self) -> str: table_name = self._model.table_name(self._table_id) sheet_name = self._model.sheet_name(self._model.table_id_to_sheet_id(self._table_id)) cell_str = f"{sheet_name}@{table_name}[{self.row},{self.col}]:" cell_str += f"table_id={self._table_id}, type={}, " cell_str += f"value={self._value}, flags={self._flags:08x}, extras={self._extras:04x}" return ", ".join([cell_str, super().__str__()]) @property def image_filename(self): warn( "image_filename is deprecated and will be removed in the future. " + "Please use the style property", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if is not None and is not None: return else: return None @property def image_data(self): warn( "image_data is deprecated and will be removed in the future. " + "Please use the style property", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if is not None and is not None: return else: return None @property def is_formula(self) -> bool: """bool: ``True`` if the cell contains a formula.""" table_formulas = self._model.table_formulas(self._table_id) return table_formulas.is_formula(self.row, self.col) @property @cache(num_args=0) def formula(self) -> str: """str: The formula in a cell. Formula evaluation relies on Numbers storing current values which should usually be the case. In cells containing a formula, :py:meth:`numbers_parser.Cell.value` returns computed value of the formula. Returns ------- str: The text of the foruma in a cell, or `None` if there is no formula present in a cell. """ if self._formula_id is not None: table_formulas = self._model.table_formulas(self._table_id) return table_formulas.formula(self._formula_id, self.row, self.col) else: return None @property def is_bulleted(self) -> bool: """bool: ``True`` if the cell contains text bullets.""" return self._is_bulleted @property def bullets(self) -> Union[List[str], None]: r"""List[str] | None: The bullets in a cell, or ``None``. Cells that contain bulleted or numbered lists are identified by :py:attr:`numbers_parser.Cell.is_bulleted`. For these cells, :py:attr:`numbers_parser.Cell.value` returns the whole cell contents. Bullets can also be extracted into a list of paragraphs cell without the bullet or numbering character. Newlines are not included in the bullet list. Example ------- .. code-block:: python doc = Document("bullets.numbers") sheets = doc.sheets tables = sheets[0].tables table = tables[0] if not table.cell(0, 1).is_bulleted: print(table.cell(0, 1).value) else: bullets = ["* " + s for s in table.cell(0, 1).bullets] print("\n".join(bullets)) return None """ return None @property def formatted_value(self) -> str: """str: The formatted value of the cell as it appears in Numbers. Interactive elements are converted into a suitable text format where supported, or as their number values where there is no suitable visual representation. Currently supported mappings are: * Checkboxes are U+2610 (Ballow Box) or U+2611 (Ballot Box with Check) * Ratings are their star value represented using (U+2605) (Black Star) .. code-block:: python >>> table = doc.default_table >>> table.cell(0,0).value False >>> table.cell(0,0).formatted_value '☐' >>> table.cell(0,1).value True >>> table.cell(0,1).formatted_value '☑' >>> table.cell(1,1).value 3.0 >>> table.cell(1,1).formatted_value '★★★' """ if self._duration_format_id is not None and self._double is not None: return self._duration_format() elif self._date_format_id is not None and self._seconds is not None: return self._date_format() elif ( self._text_format_id is not None or self._num_format_id is not None or self._currency_format_id is not None or self._bool_format_id is not None ): return self._custom_format() else: return str(self.value) @property def style(self) -> Union[Style, None]: """Style | None: The :class:`Style` associated with the cell or ``None``. Warns ----- UnsupportedWarning: On assignment; use :py:meth:`numbers_parser.Table.set_cell_style` instead. """ if self._style is None: self._style = Style.from_storage(self, self._model) return self._style @style.setter def style(self, _): warn( "cell style cannot be set; use Table.set_cell_style() instead", UnsupportedWarning, stacklevel=2, ) @property def border(self) -> Union[CellBorder, None]: """CellBorder| None: The :class:`CellBorder` associated with the cell or ``None``. Warns ----- UnsupportedWarning: On assignment; use :py:meth:`numbers_parser.Table.set_cell_border` instead. """ self._model.extract_strokes(self._table_id) return self._border @border.setter def border(self, _): warn( "cell border values cannot be set; use Table.set_cell_border() instead", UnsupportedWarning, stacklevel=2, ) @classmethod def _empty_cell(cls, table_id: int, row: int, col: int, model: object): return Cell._from_storage(table_id, row, col, EMPTY_STORAGE_BUFFER, model) @classmethod def _merged_cell(cls, table_id: int, row: int, col: int, model: object): cell = MergedCell(row, col) cell._model = model cell._table_id = table_id merge_cells = model.merge_cells(table_id) cell._set_merge(merge_cells.get((row, col))) return cell @classmethod def _from_value(cls, row: int, col: int, value): # TODO: write needs to retain/init the border if isinstance(value, str): cell = TextCell(row, col, value) elif isinstance(value, bool): cell = BoolCell(row, col, value) elif isinstance(value, int): cell = NumberCell(row, col, value) elif isinstance(value, float): rounded_value = sigfig.round(value, sigfigs=MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, warn=False) if rounded_value != value: warn( f"'{value}' rounded to {MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS} significant digits", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, ) cell = NumberCell(row, col, rounded_value) elif isinstance(value, (DateTime, builtin_datetime)): cell = DateCell(row, col, pendulum_instance(value)) elif isinstance(value, (Duration, builtin_timedelta)): cell = DurationCell(row, col, value) else: raise ValueError("Can't determine cell type from type " + type(value).__name__) return cell @classmethod def _from_storage( # noqa: PLR0913, PLR0912 cls, table_id: int, row: int, col: int, buffer: bytearray, model: object, ) -> None: d128 = None double = None seconds = None version = buffer[0] if version != 5: msg = f"Cell storage version {version} is unsupported" raise UnsupportedError(msg) offset = 12 storage_flags = CellStorageFlags() flags = unpack("<i", buffer[8:12])[0] if flags & 0x1: d128 = _unpack_decimal128(buffer[offset : offset + 16]) offset += 16 if flags & 0x2: double = unpack("<d", buffer[offset : offset + 8])[0] offset += 8 if flags & 0x4: seconds = unpack("<d", buffer[offset : offset + 8])[0] offset += 8 if flags & 0x8: storage_flags._string_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x10: storage_flags._rich_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x20: storage_flags._cell_style_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x40: storage_flags._text_style_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x80: # storage_flags._cond_style_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 # if flags & 0x100: # storage_flags._cond_rule_style_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] # offset += 4 if flags & 0x200: storage_flags._formula_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x400: storage_flags._control_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 # if flags & 0x800: # storage_flags._formula_error_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] # offset += 4 if flags & 0x1000: storage_flags._suggest_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 # Skip unused flags offset += 4 * bin(flags & 0x900).count("1") # if flags & 0x2000: storage_flags._num_format_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x4000: storage_flags._currency_format_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x8000: storage_flags._date_format_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x10000: storage_flags._duration_format_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x20000: storage_flags._text_format_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 if flags & 0x40000: storage_flags._bool_format_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] offset += 4 # if flags & 0x80000: # cstorage_flags._omment_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] # offset += 4 # if flags & 0x100000: # storage_flags._import_warning_id = unpack("<i", buffer[offset : offset + 4])[0] # offset += 4 cell_type = buffer[1] if cell_type == TSTArchives.genericCellType: cell = EmptyCell(row, col) elif cell_type == TSTArchives.numberCellType: cell = NumberCell(row, col, d128) elif cell_type == TSTArchives.textCellType: cell = TextCell(row, col, model.table_string(table_id, storage_flags._string_id)) elif cell_type == TSTArchives.dateCellType: cell = DateCell(row, col, EPOCH + duration(seconds=seconds)) cell._datetime = cell._value elif cell_type == TSTArchives.boolCellType: cell = BoolCell(row, col, double > 0.0) elif cell_type == TSTArchives.durationCellType: cell = DurationCell(row, col, duration(seconds=double)) elif cell_type == TSTArchives.formulaErrorCellType: cell = ErrorCell(row, col) elif cell_type == TSTArchives.automaticCellType: cell = RichTextCell(row, col, model.table_rich_text(table_id, storage_flags._rich_id)) elif cell_type == CURRENCY_CELL_TYPE: cell = NumberCell(row, col, d128, cell_type=CellType.CURRENCY) else: msg = f"Cell type ID {cell_type} is not recognised" raise UnsupportedError(msg) cell._copy_flags(storage_flags) cell._buffer = buffer cell._model = model cell._table_id = table_id cell._d128 = d128 cell._double = double cell._seconds = seconds cell._extras = unpack("<H", buffer[6:8])[0] cell._flags = flags merge_cells = model.merge_cells(table_id) cell._set_merge(merge_cells.get((row, col))) if logging.getLogger(__package__).level == logging.DEBUG: # Guard to reduce expense of computing fields debug(str(cell)) return cell def _copy_flags(self, storage_flags: CellStorageFlags): for flag in storage_flags.flags(): setattr(self, flag, getattr(storage_flags, flag)) def _set_merge(self, merge_ref): if isinstance(merge_ref, MergeAnchor): self.is_merged = True self.size = merge_ref.size self.merge_range = None self.rect = None self._border = CellBorder() elif isinstance(merge_ref, MergeReference): self.is_merged = False self.size = None self.row_start = merge_ref.rect[0] self.col_start = merge_ref.rect[1] self.row_end = merge_ref.rect[2] self.col_end = merge_ref.rect[3] self.merge_range = xl_range(*merge_ref.rect) self.rect = merge_ref.rect top_merged = self.row > self.row_start right_merged = self.col < self.col_end bottom_merged = self.row < self.row_end left_merged = self.col > self.col_start self._border = CellBorder(top_merged, right_merged, bottom_merged, left_merged) else: self.is_merged = False self.size = (1, 1) self.merge_range = None self.rect = None self._border = CellBorder() def _to_buffer(self) -> bytearray: # noqa: PLR0912, PLR0915 """Create a storage buffer for a cell using v5 (modern) layout.""" if self._style is not None: if self._style._text_style_obj_id is not None: self._text_style_id = self._model._table_styles.lookup_key( self._table_id, TSPMessages.Reference(identifier=self._style._text_style_obj_id), ) self._model.add_component_reference( self._style._text_style_obj_id,, ) if self._style._cell_style_obj_id is not None: self._cell_style_id = self._model._table_styles.lookup_key( self._table_id, TSPMessages.Reference(identifier=self._style._cell_style_obj_id), ) self._model.add_component_reference( self._style._cell_style_obj_id,, ) length = 12 if isinstance(self, NumberCell): flags = 1 length += 16 if self._type == CellType.CURRENCY: cell_type = CURRENCY_CELL_TYPE else: cell_type = TSTArchives.numberCellType value = _pack_decimal128(self.value) elif isinstance(self, TextCell): flags = 8 length += 4 cell_type = TSTArchives.textCellType value = pack("<i", self._model.table_string_key(self._table_id, self.value)) elif isinstance(self, DateCell): flags = 4 length += 8 cell_type = TSTArchives.dateCellType date_delta = self._value.astimezone() - EPOCH value = pack("<d", float(date_delta.total_seconds())) elif isinstance(self, BoolCell): flags = 2 length += 8 cell_type = TSTArchives.boolCellType value = pack("<d", float(self.value)) elif isinstance(self, DurationCell): flags = 2 length += 8 cell_type = TSTArchives.durationCellType value = pack("<d", float(self.value.total_seconds())) elif isinstance(self, EmptyCell): flags = 0 cell_type = TSTArchives.emptyCellValueType value = b"" elif isinstance(self, MergedCell): return None elif isinstance(self, RichTextCell): flags = 0 length += 4 cell_type = TSTArchives.automaticCellType value = pack("<i", self._rich_id) else: data_type = type(self).__name__ table_name = self._model.table_name(self._table_id) table_ref = f"@{table_name}:[{self.row},{self.col}]" warn( f"{table_ref}: unsupported data type {data_type} for save", UnsupportedWarning, stacklevel=1, ) return None storage = bytearray(12) storage[0] = 5 storage[1] = cell_type storage += value if self._rich_id is not None: flags |= 0x10 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._rich_id) if self._cell_style_id is not None: flags |= 0x20 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._cell_style_id) if self._text_style_id is not None: flags |= 0x40 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._text_style_id) if self._formula_id is not None: flags |= 0x200 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._formula_id) if self._control_id is not None: flags |= 0x400 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._control_id) if self._suggest_id is not None: flags |= 0x1000 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._suggest_id) if self._num_format_id is not None: flags |= 0x2000 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._num_format_id) storage[6] |= 1 # storage[6:8] = pack("<h", 1) if self._currency_format_id is not None: flags |= 0x4000 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._currency_format_id) storage[6] |= 2 if self._date_format_id is not None: flags |= 0x8000 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._date_format_id) storage[6] |= 8 if self._duration_format_id is not None: flags |= 0x10000 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._duration_format_id) storage[6] |= 4 if self._text_format_id is not None: flags |= 0x20000 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._text_format_id) if self._bool_format_id is not None: flags |= 0x40000 length += 4 storage += pack("<i", self._bool_format_id) storage[6] |= 0x20 if self._string_id is not None: storage[6] |= 0x80 storage[8:12] = pack("<i", flags) if len(storage) < 32: storage += bytearray(32 - length) return storage[0:length] def _update_value(self, value, cell: object) -> None: if cell._type == CellType.NUMBER: self._d128 = value elif cell._type == CellType.DATE: self._datetime = value self._value = value @property @cache(num_args=0) def _image_data(self) -> Tuple[bytes, str]: """Return the background image data for a cell or None if no image.""" if self._cell_style_id is None: return None style = self._model.table_style(self._table_id, self._cell_style_id) if not style.cell_properties.cell_fill.HasField("image"): return None image_id = style.cell_properties.cell_fill.image.imagedata.identifier datas = self._model.objects[PACKAGE_ID].datas stored_filename = next( x.file_name for x in datas if x.identifier == image_id ) # pragma: nocover (issue-1333) preferred_filename = next( x.preferred_file_name for x in datas if x.identifier == image_id ) # pragma: nocover (issue-1333) all_paths = self._model.objects.file_store.keys() image_pathnames = [x for x in all_paths if x == f"Data/{stored_filename}"] if len(image_pathnames) == 0: warn( f"Cannot find file '{preferred_filename}' in Numbers archive", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3, ) return None else: image_data = self._model.objects.file_store[image_pathnames[0]] digest = sha1(image_data).digest() if digest not in self._model._images: self._model._images[digest] = image_id return (image_data, preferred_filename) def _custom_format(self) -> str: # noqa: PLR0911 if self._text_format_id is not None and self._type == CellType.TEXT: format = self._model.table_format(self._table_id, self._text_format_id) elif self._currency_format_id is not None: format = self._model.table_format(self._table_id, self._currency_format_id) elif self._bool_format_id is not None and self._type == CellType.BOOL: format = self._model.table_format(self._table_id, self._bool_format_id) elif self._num_format_id is not None: format = self._model.table_format(self._table_id, self._num_format_id) else: return str(self.value) debug("custom_format: @[%d,%d]: format_type=%s, ", self.row, self.col, format.format_type) if format.HasField("custom_uid"): format_uuid = NumbersUUID(format.custom_uid).hex format_map = self._model.custom_format_map() custom_format = format_map[format_uuid].default_format if custom_format.requires_fraction_replacement: formatted_value = _format_fraction(self._d128, custom_format) elif custom_format.format_type == FormatType.CUSTOM_TEXT: formatted_value = _decode_text_format( custom_format, self._model.table_string(self._table_id, self._string_id), ) else: formatted_value = _decode_number_format( custom_format, self._d128, format_map[format_uuid].name, ) elif format.format_type == FormatType.DECIMAL: return _format_decimal(self._d128, format) elif format.format_type == FormatType.CURRENCY: return _format_currency(self._d128, format) elif format.format_type == FormatType.BOOLEAN: return "TRUE" if self.value else "FALSE" elif format.format_type == FormatType.PERCENT: return _format_decimal(self._d128 * 100, format, percent=True) elif format.format_type == FormatType.BASE: return _format_base(self._d128, format) elif format.format_type == FormatType.FRACTION: return _format_fraction(self._d128, format) elif format.format_type == FormatType.SCIENTIFIC: return _format_scientific(self._d128, format) elif format.format_type == FormatType.CHECKBOX: return CHECKBOX_TRUE_VALUE if self.value else CHECKBOX_FALSE_VALUE elif format.format_type == FormatType.RATING: return STAR_RATING_VALUE * int(self._d128) else: formatted_value = str(self.value) return formatted_value def _date_format(self) -> str: format = self._model.table_format(self._table_id, self._date_format_id) if format.HasField("custom_uid"): format_uuid = NumbersUUID(format.custom_uid).hex format_map = self._model.custom_format_map() custom_format = format_map[format_uuid].default_format custom_format_string = custom_format.custom_format_string if custom_format.format_type == FormatType.CUSTOM_DATE: formatted_value = _decode_date_format(custom_format_string, self._datetime) else: warn( f"Unexpected custom format type {custom_format.format_type}", UnsupportedWarning, stacklevel=3, ) return "" else: formatted_value = _decode_date_format(format.date_time_format, self._datetime) return formatted_value def _duration_format(self) -> str: format = self._model.table_format(self._table_id, self._duration_format_id) debug( "duration_format: @[%d,%d]: table_id=%d, duration_format_id=%d, duration_style=%s", self.row, self.col, self._table_id, self._duration_format_id, format.duration_style, ) duration_style = format.duration_style unit_largest = format.duration_unit_largest unit_smallest = format.duration_unit_smallest if format.use_automatic_duration_units: unit_smallest, unit_largest = _auto_units(self._double, format) d = self._double dd = int(self._double) dstr = [] def unit_in_range(largest, smallest, unit_type): return largest <= unit_type and smallest >= unit_type def pad_digits(d, largest, smallest, unit_type): return (largest == unit_type and smallest == unit_type) or d >= 10 if unit_largest == DurationUnits.WEEK: dd = int(d / SECONDS_IN_WEEK) if unit_smallest != DurationUnits.WEEK: d -= SECONDS_IN_WEEK * dd dstr.append(str(dd) + _unit_format("week", dd, duration_style)) if unit_in_range(unit_largest, unit_smallest, DurationUnits.DAY): dd = int(d / SECONDS_IN_DAY) if unit_smallest > DurationUnits.DAY: d -= SECONDS_IN_DAY * dd dstr.append(str(dd) + _unit_format("day", dd, duration_style)) if unit_in_range(unit_largest, unit_smallest, DurationUnits.HOUR): dd = int(d / SECONDS_IN_HOUR) if unit_smallest > DurationUnits.HOUR: d -= SECONDS_IN_HOUR * dd dstr.append(str(dd) + _unit_format("hour", dd, duration_style)) if unit_in_range(unit_largest, unit_smallest, DurationUnits.MINUTE): dd = int(d / 60) if unit_smallest > DurationUnits.MINUTE: d -= 60 * dd if duration_style == DurationStyle.COMPACT: pad = pad_digits(dd, unit_smallest, unit_largest, DurationUnits.MINUTE) dstr.append(("" if pad else "0") + str(dd)) else: dstr.append(str(dd) + _unit_format("minute", dd, duration_style)) if unit_in_range(unit_largest, unit_smallest, DurationUnits.SECOND): dd = int(d) if unit_smallest > DurationUnits.SECOND: d -= dd if duration_style == DurationStyle.COMPACT: pad = pad_digits(dd, unit_smallest, unit_largest, DurationUnits.SECOND) dstr.append(("" if pad else "0") + str(dd)) else: dstr.append(str(dd) + _unit_format("second", dd, duration_style)) if unit_smallest >= DurationUnits.MILLISECOND: dd = int(round(1000 * d)) if duration_style == DurationStyle.COMPACT: padding = "0" if dd >= 10 else "00" padding = "" if dd >= 100 else padding dstr.append(f"{padding}{dd}") else: dstr.append(str(dd) + _unit_format("millisecond", dd, duration_style, "ms")) duration_str = (":" if duration_style == 0 else " ").join(dstr) if duration_style == DurationStyle.COMPACT: duration_str = re.sub(r":(\d\d\d)$", r".\1", duration_str) return duration_str def _set_formatting( self, format_id: int, format_type: Union[FormattingType, CustomFormattingType], control_id: Optional[int] = None, is_currency: bool = False, ) -> None: self._is_currency = is_currency if is_currency: self._type = CellType.CURRENCY if format_type == FormattingType.CURRENCY: self._currency_format_id = format_id elif format_type == FormattingType.TICKBOX: self._bool_format_id = format_id self._control_id = control_id elif format_type == FormattingType.RATING: self._num_format_id = format_id self._control_id = control_id elif format_type in [FormattingType.SLIDER, FormattingType.STEPPER]: if is_currency: self._currency_format_id = format_id else: self._num_format_id = format_id self._control_id = control_id elif format_type == FormattingType.POPUP: self._text_format_id = format_id self._control_id = control_id elif format_type in [FormattingType.DATETIME, CustomFormattingType.DATETIME]: self._date_format_id = format_id elif format_type in [FormattingType.TEXT, CustomFormattingType.TEXT]: self._text_format_id = format_id else: self._num_format_id = format_id
class NumberCell(Cell): """.. NOTE:: Do not instantiate directly. Cells are created by :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Document`. """ # fmt: skip def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, value: float, cell_type=CellType.NUMBER) -> None: self._type = cell_type super().__init__(row, col, value) @property def value(self) -> int: return self._value class TextCell(Cell): def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, value: str) -> None: self._type = CellType.TEXT super().__init__(row, col, value) @property def value(self) -> str: return self._value
[docs] class RichTextCell(Cell): """.. NOTE:: Do not instantiate directly. Cells are created by :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Document`. """ # fmt: skip def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, value) -> None: super().__init__(row, col, value["text"]) self._type = CellType.RICH_TEXT self._bullets = value["bullets"] self._hyperlinks = value["hyperlinks"] if value["bulleted"]: self._formatted_bullets = [ ( value["bullet_chars"][i] + " " + value["bullets"][i] if value["bullet_chars"][i] is not None else value["bullets"][i] ) for i in range(len(self._bullets)) ] self._is_bulleted = True @property def value(self) -> str: return self._value @property def bullets(self) -> List[str]: """List[str]: A list of the text bullets in the cell.""" return self._bullets @property def formatted_bullets(self) -> str: """str: The bullets as a formatted multi-line string.""" return self._formatted_bullets @property def hyperlinks(self) -> Union[List[Tuple], None]: """List[Tuple] | None: the hyperlinks in a cell or ``None``. Numbers does not support hyperlinks to cells within a spreadsheet, but does allow embedding links in cells. When cells contain hyperlinks, `numbers_parser` returns the text version of the cell. The `hyperlinks` property of cells where :py:attr:`numbers_parser.Cell.is_bulleted` is ``True`` is a list of text and URL tuples. Example ------- .. code-block:: python cell = table.cell(0, 0) (text, url) = cell.hyperlinks[0] """ return self._hyperlinks
# Backwards compatibility to earlier class names class BulletedTextCell(RichTextCell): pass class EmptyCell(Cell): """.. NOTE:: Do not instantiate directly. Cells are created by :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Document`. """ # fmt: skip def __init__(self, row: int, col: int) -> None: super().__init__(row, col, None) self._type = CellType.EMPTY @property def value(self): return None @property def formatted_value(self): return "" class BoolCell(Cell): """.. NOTE:: Do not instantiate directly. Cells are created by :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Document`. """ # fmt: skip def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, value: bool) -> None: super().__init__(row, col, value) self._type = CellType.BOOL self._value = value @property def value(self) -> bool: return self._value class DateCell(Cell): """.. NOTE:: Do not instantiate directly. Cells are created by :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Document`. """ # fmt: skip def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, value: DateTime) -> None: super().__init__(row, col, value) self._type = CellType.DATE @property def value(self) -> datetime: return self._value class DurationCell(Cell): def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, value: Duration) -> None: super().__init__(row, col, value) self._type = CellType.DURATION @property def value(self) -> duration: return self._value class ErrorCell(Cell): """.. NOTE:: Do not instantiate directly. Cells are created by :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Document`. """ # fmt: skip def __init__(self, row: int, col: int) -> None: super().__init__(row, col, None) self._type = CellType.ERROR @property def value(self): return None
[docs] class MergedCell(Cell): """.. NOTE:: Do not instantiate directly. Cells are created by :py:class:`~numbers_parser.Document`. """ # fmt: skip def __init__(self, row: int, col: int) -> None: super().__init__(row, col, None) self._type = CellType.MERGED @property def value(self): return None
def _pack_decimal128(value: float) -> bytearray: buffer = bytearray(16) exp = math.floor(math.log10(math.e) * math.log(abs(value))) if value != 0.0 else 0 exp += 0x1820 - 16 mantissa = abs(int(value / math.pow(10, exp - 0x1820))) buffer[15] |= exp >> 7 buffer[14] |= (exp & 0x7F) << 1 i = 0 while mantissa >= 1: buffer[i] = mantissa & 0xFF i += 1 mantissa = int(mantissa / 256) if value < 0: buffer[15] |= 0x80 return buffer def _unpack_decimal128(buffer: bytearray) -> float: exp = (((buffer[15] & 0x7F) << 7) | (buffer[14] >> 1)) - 0x1820 mantissa = buffer[14] & 1 for i in range(13, -1, -1): mantissa = mantissa * 256 + buffer[i] sign = 1 if buffer[15] & 0x80 else 0 if sign == 1: mantissa = -mantissa value = mantissa * 10**exp return float(value) def _decode_date_format_field(field: str, value: datetime) -> str: if field in DATETIME_FIELD_MAP: s = DATETIME_FIELD_MAP[field] if callable(s): return s(value) else: return value.strftime(s) else: warn(f"Unsupported field code '{field}'", UnsupportedWarning, stacklevel=4) return "" def _decode_date_format(format, value): """Parse a custom date format string and return a formatted datetime value.""" chars = [*format] index = 0 in_string = False in_field = False result = "" field = "" while index < len(chars): current_char = chars[index] next_char = chars[index + 1] if index < len(chars) - 1 else None if current_char == "'": if next_char is None: break elif chars[index + 1] == "'": result += "'" index += 2 elif in_string: in_string = False index += 1 else: in_string = True if in_field: result += _decode_date_format_field(field, value) in_field = False index += 1 elif in_string: result += current_char index += 1 elif not current_char.isalpha(): if in_field: result += _decode_date_format_field(field, value) in_field = False result += current_char index += 1 elif in_field: field += current_char index += 1 else: in_field = True field = current_char index += 1 if in_field: result += _decode_date_format_field(field, value) return result def _decode_text_format(format, value: str): """Parse a custom date format string and return a formatted number value.""" custom_format_string = format.custom_format_string return custom_format_string.replace(CUSTOM_TEXT_PLACEHOLDER, value) def _expand_quotes(value: str) -> str: chars = [*value] index = 0 in_string = False formatted_value = "" while index < len(chars): current_char = chars[index] next_char = chars[index + 1] if index < len(chars) - 1 else None if current_char == "'": if next_char is None: break elif chars[index + 1] == "'": formatted_value += "'" index += 2 elif in_string: in_string = False index += 1 else: in_string = True index += 1 else: formatted_value += current_char index += 1 return formatted_value def _decode_number_format(format, value, name): # noqa: PLR0912 """Parse a custom date format string and return a formatted number value.""" custom_format_string = format.custom_format_string value *= format.scale_factor if "%" in custom_format_string and format.scale_factor == 1.0: # Per cent scale has 100x but % does not value *= 100.0 if format.currency_code != "": # Replace currency code with symbol and no-break space custom_format_string = custom_format_string.replace( "\u00a4", format.currency_code + "\u00a0", ) if (match :="([#0.,]+(E[+]\d+)?)", custom_format_string)) is None: warn( f"Can't parse format string '{custom_format_string}'; skipping", UnsupportedWarning, stacklevel=1, ) return custom_format_string format_spec = scientific_spec = if format_spec[0] == ".": (int_part, dec_part) = ("", format_spec[1:]) elif "." in custom_format_string: (int_part, dec_part) = format_spec.split(".") else: (int_part, dec_part) = (format_spec, "") if scientific_spec is not None: # Scientific notation formatted_value = f"{value:.{len(dec_part) - 4}E}" formatted_value = custom_format_string.replace(format_spec, formatted_value) return _expand_quotes(formatted_value) num_decimals = len(dec_part) if num_decimals > 0: if dec_part[0] == "#": dec_pad = None elif format.num_nonspace_decimal_digits > 0: dec_pad = CellPadding.ZERO else: dec_pad = CellPadding.SPACE else: dec_pad = None dec_width = num_decimals (integer, decimal) = str(float(value)).split(".") if num_decimals > 0: integer = int(integer) decimal = round(float(f"0.{decimal}"), num_decimals) else: integer = round(value) decimal = float(f"0.{decimal}") num_integers = len(int_part.replace(",", "")) if not format.show_thousands_separator: int_part = int_part.replace(",", "") if num_integers > 0: if int_part[0] == "#": int_pad = None int_width = len(int_part) elif format.num_nonspace_integer_digits > 0: int_pad = CellPadding.ZERO if format.show_thousands_separator: num_commas = int(math.floor(math.log10(integer)) / 3) if integer != 0 else 0 num_commas = max([num_commas, int((num_integers - 1) / 3)]) int_width = num_integers + num_commas else: int_width = num_integers else: int_pad = CellPadding.SPACE int_width = len(int_part) else: int_pad = None int_width = num_integers # value_1 = str(value).split(".")[0] # value_2 = sigfig.round(str(value).split(".")[1], sigfig=MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, warn=False) # int_pad_space_as_zero = ( # num_integers > 0 # and num_decimals > 0 # and int_pad == CellPadding.SPACE # and dec_pad is None # and num_integers > len(value_1) # and num_decimals > len(value_2) # ) int_pad_space_as_zero = False # Formatting integer zero: # Blank (padded if needed) if int_pad is SPACE and no decimals # No leading zero if: # int_pad is NONE, dec_pad is SPACE # int_pad is SPACE, dec_pad is SPACE # int_pad is SPACE, dec_pad is ZERO # int_pad is SPACE, dec_pad is NONE if num decimals < decimals length if integer == 0 and int_pad == CellPadding.SPACE and num_decimals == 0: formatted_value = "".rjust(int_width) elif integer == 0 and int_pad is None and dec_pad == CellPadding.SPACE: formatted_value = "" elif integer == 0 and int_pad == CellPadding.SPACE and dec_pad is not None: formatted_value = "".rjust(int_width) elif ( integer == 0 and int_pad == CellPadding.SPACE and dec_pad is None and len(str(decimal)) > num_decimals ): formatted_value = "".rjust(int_width) elif int_pad_space_as_zero or int_pad == CellPadding.ZERO: if format.show_thousands_separator: formatted_value = f"{integer:0{int_width},}" else: formatted_value = f"{integer:0{int_width}}" elif int_pad == CellPadding.SPACE: if format.show_thousands_separator: formatted_value = f"{integer:,}".rjust(int_width) else: formatted_value = str(integer).rjust(int_width) elif format.show_thousands_separator: formatted_value = f"{integer:,}" else: formatted_value = str(integer) if num_decimals: if dec_pad == CellPadding.ZERO or (dec_pad == CellPadding.SPACE and num_integers == 0): formatted_value += "." + f"{decimal:,.{dec_width}f}"[2:] elif dec_pad == CellPadding.SPACE and decimal == 0 and num_integers > 0: formatted_value += ".".ljust(dec_width + 1) elif dec_pad == CellPadding.SPACE: decimal_str = str(decimal)[2:] formatted_value += "." + decimal_str.ljust(dec_width) elif decimal or num_integers == 0: formatted_value += "." + str(decimal)[2:] formatted_value = custom_format_string.replace(format_spec, formatted_value) return _expand_quotes(formatted_value) def _format_decimal(value: float, format, percent: bool = False) -> str: if value is None: return "" if value < 0 and format.negative_style == 1: accounting_style = False value = -value elif value < 0 and format.negative_style >= 2: accounting_style = True value = -value else: accounting_style = False thousands = "," if format.show_thousands_separator else "" if value.is_integer() and format.decimal_places >= DECIMAL_PLACES_AUTO: formatted_value = f"{int(value):{thousands}}" else: if format.decimal_places >= DECIMAL_PLACES_AUTO: formatted_value = str(sigfig.round(value, MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, warn=False)) else: formatted_value = sigfig.round(value, MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, type=str, warn=False) formatted_value = sigfig.round( formatted_value, decimals=format.decimal_places, type=str, ) if format.show_thousands_separator: formatted_value = sigfig.round(formatted_value, spacer=",", spacing=3, type=str) try: (integer, decimal) = formatted_value.split(".") formatted_value = integer + "." + decimal.replace(",", "") except ValueError: pass if percent: formatted_value += "%" if accounting_style: return f"({formatted_value})" else: return formatted_value def _format_currency(value: float, format) -> str: formatted_value = _format_decimal(value, format) if format.currency_code in CURRENCY_SYMBOLS: symbol = CURRENCY_SYMBOLS[format.currency_code] else: symbol = format.currency_code + " " if format.use_accounting_style and value < 0: return f"{symbol}\t({formatted_value[1:]})" elif format.use_accounting_style: return f"{symbol}\t{formatted_value}" else: return symbol + formatted_value INT_TO_BASE_CHAR = [str(x) for x in range(10)] + [chr(x) for x in range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1)] def _invert_bit_str(value: str) -> str: """Invert a binary value.""" return "".join(["0" if b == "1" else "1" for b in value]) def _twos_complement(value: int, base: int) -> str: """Calculate the twos complement of a negative integer with minimum 32-bit precision.""" num_bits = max([32, math.ceil(math.log2(abs(value))) + 1]) bin_value = bin(abs(value))[2:] inverted_bin_value = _invert_bit_str(bin_value).rjust(num_bits, "1") twos_complement_dec = int(inverted_bin_value, 2) + 1 if base == 2: return bin(twos_complement_dec)[2:].rjust(num_bits, "1") elif base == 8: return oct(twos_complement_dec)[2:] else: return hex(twos_complement_dec)[2:].upper() def _format_base(value: float, format) -> str: if value == 0: return "0".zfill(format.base_places) value = round(value) is_negative = False if not format.base_use_minus_sign and format.base in [2, 8, 16]: if value < 0: return _twos_complement(value, format.base) else: value = abs(value) elif value < 0: is_negative = True value = abs(value) formatted_value = [] while value: formatted_value.append(int(value % format.base)) value //= format.base formatted_value = "".join([INT_TO_BASE_CHAR[x] for x in formatted_value[::-1]]) if is_negative: return "-" + formatted_value.zfill(format.base_places) else: return formatted_value.zfill(format.base_places) def _format_fraction_parts_to(whole: int, numerator: int, denominator: int): if whole > 0: if numerator == 0: return str(whole) else: return f"{whole} {numerator}/{denominator}" elif numerator == 0: return "0" elif numerator == denominator: return "1" return f"{numerator}/{denominator}" def _float_to_fraction(value: float, denominator: int) -> str: """Convert a float to the nearest fraction and return as a string.""" whole = int(value) numerator = round(denominator * (value - whole)) return _format_fraction_parts_to(whole, numerator, denominator) def _float_to_n_digit_fraction(value: float, max_digits: int) -> str: """Convert a float to a fraction of a maxinum number of digits and return as a string. """ max_denominator = 10**max_digits - 1 (numerator, denominator) = ( Fraction.from_float(value).limit_denominator(max_denominator).as_integer_ratio() ) whole = int(value) numerator -= whole * denominator return _format_fraction_parts_to(whole, numerator, denominator) def _format_fraction(value: float, format) -> str: accuracy = format.fraction_accuracy if accuracy & 0xFF000000: num_digits = 0x100000000 - accuracy return _float_to_n_digit_fraction(value, num_digits) else: return _float_to_fraction(value, accuracy) def _format_scientific(value: float, format) -> str: formatted_value = sigfig.round(value, sigfigs=MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, warn=False) return f"{formatted_value:.{format.decimal_places}E}" def _unit_format(unit: str, value: int, style: int, abbrev: Optional[str] = None): plural = "" if value == 1 else "s" if abbrev is None: abbrev = unit[0] if style == DurationStyle.COMPACT: return "" elif style == DurationStyle.SHORT: return f"{abbrev}" else: return f" {unit}" + plural def _auto_units(cell_value, format): unit_largest = format.duration_unit_largest unit_smallest = format.duration_unit_smallest if cell_value == 0: unit_largest = DurationUnits.DAY unit_smallest = DurationUnits.DAY else: if cell_value >= SECONDS_IN_WEEK: unit_largest = DurationUnits.WEEK elif cell_value >= SECONDS_IN_DAY: unit_largest = DurationUnits.DAY elif cell_value >= SECONDS_IN_HOUR: unit_largest = DurationUnits.HOUR elif cell_value >= 60: unit_largest = DurationUnits.MINUTE elif cell_value >= 1: unit_largest = DurationUnits.SECOND else: unit_largest = DurationUnits.MILLISECOND if math.floor(cell_value) != cell_value: unit_smallest = DurationUnits.MILLISECOND elif cell_value % 60: unit_smallest = DurationUnits.SECOND elif cell_value % SECONDS_IN_HOUR: unit_smallest = DurationUnits.MINUTE elif cell_value % SECONDS_IN_DAY: unit_smallest = DurationUnits.HOUR elif cell_value % SECONDS_IN_WEEK: unit_smallest = DurationUnits.DAY if unit_smallest < unit_largest: unit_smallest = unit_largest return unit_smallest, unit_largest # Cell reference conversion from # Copyright (c) 2013-2021, John McNamara <> range_parts = re.compile(r"(\$?)([A-Z]{1,3})(\$?)(\d+)")
[docs] def xl_cell_to_rowcol(cell_str: str) -> tuple: """Convert a cell reference in A1 notation to a zero indexed row and column. Parameters ---------- cell_str: str A1 notation cell reference Returns ------- row, col: int, int Cell row and column numbers (zero indexed). """ if not cell_str: return 0, 0 match = range_parts.match(cell_str) if not match: msg = f"invalid cell reference {cell_str}" raise IndexError(msg) col_str = row_str = # Convert base26 column string to number. expn = 0 col = 0 for char in reversed(col_str): col += (ord(char) - ord("A") + 1) * (26**expn) expn += 1 # Convert 1-index to zero-index row = int(row_str) - 1 col -= 1 return row, col
[docs] def xl_range(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col): """Convert zero indexed row and col cell references to a A1:B1 range string. Parameters ---------- first_row: int The first cell row. first_col: int The first cell column. last_row: int The last cell row. last_col: int The last cell column. Returns ------- str: A1:B1 style range string. """ range1 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(first_row, first_col) range2 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(last_row, last_col) if range1 == range2: return range1 else: return range1 + ":" + range2
[docs] def xl_rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False): """Convert a zero indexed row and column cell reference to a A1 style string. Parameters ---------- row: int The cell row. col: int The cell column. row_abs: bool If ``True``, make the row absolute. col_abs: bool If ``True``, make the column absolute. Returns ------- str: A1 style string. """ if row < 0: msg = f"row reference {row} below zero" raise IndexError(msg) if col < 0: msg = f"column reference {col} below zero" raise IndexError(msg) row += 1 # Change to 1-index. row_abs = "$" if row_abs else "" col_str = xl_col_to_name(col, col_abs) return col_str + row_abs + str(row)
[docs] def xl_col_to_name(col, col_abs=False): """Convert a zero indexed column cell reference to a string. Parameters ---------- col: int The column number (zero indexed). col_abs: bool, default: False If ``True``, make the column absolute. Returns ------- str: Column in A1 notation. """ if col < 0: msg = f"column reference {col} below zero" raise IndexError(msg) col += 1 # Change to 1-index. col_str = "" col_abs = "$" if col_abs else "" while col: # Set remainder from 1 .. 26 remainder = col % 26 if remainder == 0: remainder = 26 # Convert the remainder to a character. col_letter = chr(ord("A") + remainder - 1) # Accumulate the column letters, right to left. col_str = col_letter + col_str # Get the next order of magnitude. col = int((col - 1) / 26) return col_abs + col_str
@dataclass() class Formatting: allow_none: bool = False base_places: int = 0 base_use_minus_sign: bool = True base: int = 10 control_format: ControlFormattingType = ControlFormattingType.NUMBER currency_code: str = "GBP" date_time_format: str = DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT decimal_places: int = None fraction_accuracy: FractionAccuracy = FractionAccuracy.THREE increment: float = 1.0 maximum: float = 100.0 minimum: float = 1.0 popup_values: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ["Item 1"]) negative_style: NegativeNumberStyle = NegativeNumberStyle.MINUS show_thousands_separator: bool = False type: FormattingType = FormattingType.NUMBER use_accounting_style: bool = False _format_id = None def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.type, FormattingType): type_name = type(self.type).__name__ msg = f"Invalid format type '{type_name}'" raise TypeError(msg) if self.use_accounting_style and self.negative_style != NegativeNumberStyle.MINUS: warn( "use_accounting_style overriding negative_style", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=4, ) if self.type == FormattingType.DATETIME: formats = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z\s]", " ", self.date_time_format).split() for el in formats: if el not in DATETIME_FIELD_MAP: msg = f"Invalid format specifier '{el}' in date/time format" raise TypeError(msg) if self.type == FormattingType.CURRENCY and self.currency_code not in CURRENCIES: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported currency code '{self.currency_code}'") if self.decimal_places is None: if self.type == FormattingType.CURRENCY: self.decimal_places = 2 else: self.decimal_places = DECIMAL_PLACES_AUTO if ( self.type == FormattingType.BASE and not self.base_use_minus_sign and self.base not in (2, 8, 16) ): msg = f"base_use_minus_sign must be True for base {self.base}" raise TypeError(msg) if self.type == FormattingType.BASE and (self.base < 2 or self.base > MAX_BASE): msg = "base must be in range 2-36" raise TypeError(msg) @dataclass class CustomFormatting: type: CustomFormattingType = CustomFormattingType.NUMBER name: str = None integer_format: PaddingType = PaddingType.NONE decimal_format: PaddingType = PaddingType.NONE num_integers: int = 0 num_decimals: int = 0 show_thousands_separator: bool = False format: str = "%s" def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.type, CustomFormattingType): type_name = type(self.type).__name__ msg = f"Invalid format type '{type_name}'" raise TypeError(msg) if self.type == CustomFormattingType.TEXT and self.format.count("%s") > 1: raise TypeError("Custom formats only allow one text substitution") @classmethod def from_archive(cls, archive: object): if archive.format_type == FormatType.CUSTOM_DATE: format_type = CustomFormattingType.DATETIME elif archive.format_type == FormatType.CUSTOM_NUMBER: format_type = CustomFormattingType.NUMBER else: format_type = CustomFormattingType.TEXT return CustomFormatting(, type=format_type)